Saturday, January 5, 2013


After Cambodia, we had 3 days to hang around Bangkok. We stayed in a different area than last year and thought it was sickeningly touristy, it was close to some great sights.  
There's really nothing like Thai street food. 
A short walk from our guest house was Wat Pho. Like most other wats, it is incredibly ornate and sparkly. 

Wat Pho is special because it houses the largest reclining Buddha in the world. It is covered in gold leaf and has mother of pearl inlays on his feet. 
We went to Wat Pho on New Year's Day. Now, apparently everyone in Thailand goes to a wat on New Year's Day. So, we joined the hoards and circled the Buddha. 

A shameless tourist attraction, we went to the Floating Market, which included a tour through the nearby village that utilizes the canals. Each house had their boat rigged up. 

You could hire this guy to paddle you around for an hour. I just wanted his picture. 
I couldn't decide which one I liked best, so I posted them both. 


A cool old car at the market. 

These three ladies had a fried banana monopoly! We call out that we want some, they put some in a bag, and put it on the hook on the stick. The stick is stretched toward us, we take the bag and put money into the tub. Everyone is happy. 
This woman had a noodle soup kitchen right on her boat. 
The steps along the canal were reserved for those eating whatever hot dish came from the kitchen boats. 

Chinatown and, no kidding, the best eggroll I've ever had, and for only $0.15!
On the flight home, somewhere over Afghanistan/Pakistan.

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