Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Winter Banquet 2013

Our Annual Staff Winter Banquet was a few weekends ago. It is hosted at a fancy hotel in downtown, with champagne to start and wine after that and a buffet. Everyone dresses up and gets down on the dance floor. 
 Lovely ladies: Ms. Madina and Ms. Arzu. Ms. Madina is the cooperating teacher for the classroom next to mine, and Ms. Arzu is my wonderful Cooperating Teacher. 
 The set up: We claim our spots near the dance floor so we can watch the entertainment. 
 Ms. Arzu and me. 
 Allen, Nick and Nic. 
 It doesn't take long for locals to get on the dance floor. They can really shake it. 
Ms. Madina knocked my socks off with her cover (of some song I don't know the name of). 
More photos to come...

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